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Enhancing Quality of Life

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About QLS


In 2009, Philip Flanigan and Jeff Ferguson assembled a highly trained group of legal and financial professionals to create Quality Life Solutions, Inc., a Senior Care Planning Company dedicated to providing the high-level guidance and situation specific direction that families need to make informed decisions, save precious time and money, and reduce stress.

Quality Life Solutions advisors possess decades of expertise in the elder care field along with extensive local knowledge about the costs, quality, and availability of care services and advise families on matters like long-term benefits available, budgeting, liquidating, downsizing, and methods of generating income to help find solutions that can assist with the overall cost of care needed at home or at a facility.

At Quality Life Solutions, we believe that there are many unused and underused resources and programs to help pay for elder care. The experienced, supportive and knowledgeable staff at Quality Life Solutions realize that most people are caught up in today’s hectic pace of living and cannot spend endless hours researching answers to the questions regarding care of an elderly or disabled loved one. Ensure you are covering all of your options for care and benefits programs by contacting our office today.




Message to Healthcare Professionals,

You are helping your patients get better. You are providing them with the help they need to return home. Eventually you have to get ready for discharge.

The family asks you: Where do we go? How much does it cost? How do we pay for it? Where can we get some help?

Here at QLS one of the biggest issues we deal with is that most people really don't know the different types of care options available and even more so don't know what they cost. They've usually never had to think about it before and thus, are often quickly overwhelmed and stressed.

Our goal at QLS is to help the patient afford to get better.

Sometimes it’s liquidating what they have. Sometimes it's budgeting. Sometimes it’s moving somewhere less expensive. Sometimes it’s investing money to generate income that can then be used to help pay for care. Sometimes it’s helping qualify for Medi-Cal or Veteran’s pension benefits. The thing to remember is that there is no “one size fits all" approach when it comes to paying for long-term care. There are often multiple options available if you know where to look.At QLS, our trained professionals use their decades of experience to examine the patient’s overall situation and find the best solution for the patient and their family.

So when a family is looking for help, refer them to the professionals at Quality Life Solutions. We will help them put the pieces of the long-term care puzzle together to see the big picture and achieve the highest quality of life possible.



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What Makes the QLS Team Unique?


Medi-Cal Planning Experts

Helping you find sources to pay for the quality long-term care by working through the confusing maze of choices and programs to ensure that all of your loved one’s needs are met throughout his or her lifetime. In order to successfully achieve the previous goals, we at Quality Life Solutions, strive to reduce the financial burden of the high cost of care through a variety of outlets and research. Among the activities that we conduct as a part of this process are locating and affiliating with community agencies that offer assistance in a variety of areas, determining what government benefits may be available to your loved one, and working with you to obtain those benefits—from application through qualification. 


Legal Services & Legal Documents

We work in association with the Law Offices of Philip M. Flanigan, to provide a broad range of legal services to enhance quality of life and give you peace of mind. When families are thrust into a crisis, they are often unsure about where to turn for help. At Quality Life Solutions, Inc., we provide the support families need in difficult circumstances. Our legal team can review all of your documents to ensure they are adequate to meet your current and future needs. We can help with wills, living trusts, powers of attorney, conservatorship, probate and a host of other elder law and estate planning needs.


Senior Care Planning

A process whereby the legal, healthcare, social and psychological needs of a frail elder or special needs person are assessed and a plan is developed to meet those needs in an economical fashion that protects and preserves the income and assets of the person to the greatest extent possible. The elements of a Life Care Plan include the assessment of the immediate, mid-term and long-term care needs of the person, followed by the development of a plan to provide the type of assistance the person will need during the various time frames and then determine how to most efficiently pay for that assistance. Your Quality Life Solutions Life Care Plan is customized to fit your family’s specific needs and desires. It includes all necessary legal documents, consultations and other services, providing you with peace of mind today, tomorrow and for a lifetime.




Receive quick answers to questions regarding Medi-Cal or Veteran’s Benefits

Call today for more information 877-773-3535 or  559-441-1121